Find mental health and substance use services for you or your loved one.
If you are having thoughts of suicide, or are worried about someone else, call or text 9-8-8 to reach a trained responder.
A listing of online, video and information supports for clients and families on preventing and managing substance use relapse.
Connecting and supporting Aboriginal peoples with mental health and wellness services.
Access mental health and substance use centres in your community.
Learn about the mental health and substance use support services available in your community.
Supportive family members are essential to a person’s recovery from mental illness and substance use problems.
Our harm reduction resources improve the health and wellness of individuals and their communities.
Overdose affects all of us. Know how to prevent, recognize and respond to an overdose.
Find out what services, programs and resources are available for your child and/or youth.
How to get help if you or your loved one has a substance use problem.
What to expect when you go to the hospital for a mental health concern.
Online tools to help you look at your mental health or wellness.
Overview of common mental health conditions and symptoms.
Higher level of care for adults 19 and over living with serious and ongoing symptoms of mental illness.
Recovery-oriented services in a stable and supportive living environment for individuals with mental health challenges.
Rules and procedures covering mental illness and involuntary treatment in B.C.
Respecting individuals’ privacy and sharing information with loved ones.
Overview of antidepressants, antipsychotics and mood stabilizers.
Services and resources to help you with your rehabilitation and recovery journey.
Mental health and substance use resources available in different languages.
Self-care, such as eating a balanced diet, regular exercise and socializing with family and friends, is important to staying healthy.
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A list of mental health resources available during COVID-19