The Audiology Clinic provides diagnostic hearing (audiological) and balance (vestibular) evaluations for outpatients of all ages

Pediatric Audiometric Assessment
Hearing test battery includes  pure-tone audiometry with visual-reinforcement or conditioned-play audiometry, speech audiometry, immittance testing including tympanometry and acoustic reflex assessment, and otoacoustic emissions testing, at the discretion of the audiologist. Outpatient referrals are accepted from any medical specialty.

Pediatric amplification services are not provided at the Audiology Clinic. For more information on hearing services for children, please contact your local Public Health Hearing Clinic.  

Pediatric Threshold Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) Testing – non-sedated/ sedated
Non-sedated: Babies typically are referred from newborn hearing screening as mandated by the BC Early Hearing Program (BCEHP) and the testing protocols follow its guidelines. ABR testing provides frequency- and ear-specific hearing threshold information via electrophysiological methods. Children must be sleeping to obtain reliable hearing thresholds. 

Sedated: Can be used for children whose results from conventional behavioural audiometry cannot be obtained or are inconclusive. These patients must be referred by a specialist (typically pediatricians or Ear-Nose-Throat physicians). Testing is performed at the Surrey Memorial Hospital’s Child and Youth Services (CYS) Department, where children are monitored by nursing staff throughout testing. Normally, sedation is achieved using chloral hydrate. Referrals, sedation orders and parental consent must be completed by a referring physician with attending privileges at the Surrey Memorial Hospital.

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) Evaluation 
Assessment of central auditory processing abilities in children and adults. Testing includes an audiometric assessment and may include auditory brainstem response (ABR) testing in addition to a central auditory test battery chosen at the discretion of the audiologist. Normal hearing thresholds are required to proceed with the evaluation.

Outpatient referrals are accepted from ENT/Neurology/Pediatrics/Psychiatry only. Speech language pathologists may initiate a referral through a specialist.

Please note: Testing is often completed over multiple appointments and results may take several weeks to compile and analyze.

Adult Audiometric Assessment
Hearing test battery includes pure-tone audiometry, speech audiometry, immittance testing including tympanometry and acoustic reflex assessment, and otoacoustic emissions testing, at the discretion of the audiologist. 

Outpatient referrals are accepted from any medical specialty. 

Ototoxicity Monitoring
This type of assessment is offered to individuals who receive potentially ototoxic (harmful to the ear) treatment. These assessments include ultrahigh frequency audiometry and otoacoustic emissions testing in addition to the standard adult audiometric assessment. A baseline audiometric assessment is recommended prior to ototoxic treatment; monitoring during and after treatment is recommended especially if ear-related new symptoms are reported.

Outpatient referrals accepted from specialists serving patients who have been prescribed potentially ototoxic medication (i.e. Oncology/Infectious Disease).  

Adult Retrocochlear Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) Testing
This is an otoneurologic assessment performed in individuals with suspected retrocochlear (beyond the ear) symptoms. This assessment typically is performed in conjunction with a standard audiological assessment. Outpatient referrals are accepted from any medical specialty.

Children may be referred for this assessment provided they are able to lie quietly and still for at least 15 minutes.

Vestibular Assessment
Vestibular assessment evaluates inner ear’s balance function; testing includes cervical Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (cVEMP) test, videonystagmography (VNG) (i.e., oculomotor testing, positional/positioning tests, and caloric testing), video Head Impulse Test (vHIT), etc. Additional audiometric assessment may be performed at audiologist’s discretion. 

Outpatient referrals are accepted from medical specialists only (typically neurologists and ENTs).

Please note patients’ ear canals should be clear of wax and tympanic membranes should be intact for water caloric test to be carried out. 

Patients are provided with pre-test instructions and a questionnaire



For outpatients, a specialty physician must complete an outpatient referral form.   

Inpatient referral can be submitted by order entry request on Meditech. 

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