Learn about our font standards, how to create structure and layout recommendations for improved readability.

Font size

Our standard fonts Arial and Palatino are easy to read. You can adjust font size to help readability too.


  • General readers: Arial, between 10-12 points.
  • Younger and older audiences: Increase the size of the font. Some older readers and those who are visually impaired may find a font size between 14-18 points easier to read.
  • Heading and titles: Use larger font sizes.

Create structure

  • Let your readers know what they can expect to learn right away by grouping information with informative headings.
  • Lead with the most important information in the first sentence.
  • Make main points first and either link to more information for web-based writing or add explanatory details to supplement main points later.

Break up text/add space

Bite-sized information is easier to scan and comprehend.


  • Informative/descriptive headings and subheadings. (As well as creating structure, informative headings break up text and make it easer to read).
  • Bold headings and/or important words.
  • Bullets or numbered lists.
  • Spaces between paragraphs and sections.

Other layout recommendations

  • Use sentence case versus title case for headings for all text. Example:
    • This is an example of sentence case.
    • This is an Example of Title Case.
  • Text set in all uppercase letters takes longer to read and is considered as shouting.
  • Avoid underlining -- it hinders reading flow and indicates a hyperlink to many readers.
  • Avoid splitting numeric phrases (e.g. 10 per cent) and titles, names and program names (e.g. Dr. Alessia Prins, program medical director, Cardiology) onto separate lines.
  • Use clarifying visuals to help communicate complex ideas.

Download our writing style guide.


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