Baby Carson and his family are pictured in the hospital

Baby Carson made his debut as the first baby born at Royal Columbian Hospital (RCH) following the successful launch of a new electronic health record

On the morning of September 7, 2024, Carson made his debut as the first baby born at Royal Columbian Hospital (RCH) following the successful launch of a new electronic health record (EHR). His birth brought a special kind of joy—not only for his parents but also for the entire health care team. As the fourth Fraser Health site to Go-Live with this new EHR, Carson's arrival symbolizes a new chapter at RCH and Fraser Health—one powered by cutting-edge technology that promises to make his healthcare journey smoother, safer, and more efficient than ever before. 

Carson’s big sister Chloe, born just two and a half years earlier, came into a world still tethered to paper charts. Nurses flipped through binders, and doctors scribbled notes that could sometimes be hard to decipher. While Chloe received excellent care, the process was slowed by manual documentation and the need for repetitive questioning. In contrast, Carson’s birth marked the beginning of a healthcare experience supported by digital innovation. 

With the new EHR, Carson’s healthcare team was able to document his vital signs in real time, with his health records being instantly updated and securely stored. The benefits are clear: no more paper charts, no more delays. His growth milestones and vaccination schedules will be digitally tracked, making it easy for health care professionals across the province of British Columbia real-time access to his entire medical history with just a few clicks. This step on our journey to innovate care ensures that Carson's care will be proactive, personalized, and informed by the latest data, every step of the way. 

The implementation of this new EHR allows Fraser Health to leverage technology and innovation to continuously improve the quality, consistency, and safety of patient care across the region. By streamlining operations, automating routine tasks, and fostering seamless collaboration between healthcare providers, the system enhances patient care while allowing the healthcare team to focus more on Carson’s needs and less on administrative burdens. It also supports Fraser Health’s broader efforts to digitize care, marking a significant step forward in ensuring the best possible outcomes for patients like Carson. 

Carson’s arrival doesn’t just mark the beginning of his life; it represents Fraser Health’s commitment to driving innovation and future-proofing healthcare. By embracing technology, Fraser Health is meeting today’s needs while positioning itself for future advancements in digital health. It’s an important step along a journey to innovate care that supports Fraser Health’s vision of Better Health. Best in Health Care. 

As Chloe gently reached for her baby brother’s hand, all who stood by smiled, knowing that the path ahead for Carson is paved with progress, innovation, and hope. 

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