Learn how the BC SUPPORT Unit Fraser Centre supports academics, health authority personnel and members of the public to partner in research.

Get more information on Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR).

What is the Fraser Centre?

The Fraser Centre is one of the four BC SUPPORT Unit regional centres. The Fraser Centre is a collaboration of Fraser Health and Simon Fraser University. Our centre provides support services to all academic and health authority researchers working in the Fraser Valley, as well as members of the public interested in engaging with research. Refer to our information sheet for details.

What kind of services does the Fraser Centre offer?

The BC SUPPORT Unit Fraser Centre offers services in:

Patient engagement

  • Supporting researchers in developing patient engagement plans that cover how to recruit, train and support patients to become part of a research team.
  • Supporting researchers and patients to find opportunities to collaborate and build research teams to conduct patient-oriented research.
  • Delivering workshops designed to provide researchers, patients and other stakeholders with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to work together.

Knowledge translation

  • Support to research or implementation teams in planning integrated approaches and strategies in projects for dissemination and implementation of evidence.
  • Support, feedback, and resources for developing project dissemination materials.
  • Assistance with facilitating connections with appropriate departments and decision makers for research impact.
  • Training and resources to help build knowledge translation capacity including tailored workshops on patient-oriented knowledge translation.

Research methods and navigation

  • Consultation and support for patient-oriented research questions, and assist with data access and related data services.
  • Assistance with connecting researchers, patients, and clinicians for building multidisciplinary teams.
  • Support with the funding application development process
  • Providing letters of support for grant applications

How can I access these services?

Complete a inquiry form through the BC SUPPORT Unit, and we will get back to you within three business days. You can also contact us directly.

What is the BC SUPPORT Unit?

The BC SUPPORT (Support for People and Patient-Oriented Research and Trials) Unit is a multi-partner organization created to support, streamline and increase patient-oriented research throughout B.C. Patient-oriented research is done in partnership with patients, answers research questions that matter to patients, and aims to improve health care.

A patient is anyone who has experience with the health care system and/or personal experience of a health issue, and informal caregivers, including family and friends.

The Unit is one of 10 SUPPORT Units established across the country as part of Canada’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research led by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. It is part of Michael Smith Health Research B.C.

Learn more about the BC SUPPORT Unit.

I'm a patient, how can I get involved with health research?

We can support you to connect with patient partner opportunities on research teams or find out how to be a participant in a research study.

To connect with us either complete an inquiry form through the BC SUPPORT Unit Hub or email us at frasercentre@healthresearchbc.ca.

Refer to our information sheet.

Where can I find more information and resources?

Access our webinars, presentations and online training resources. Access a new online resource, called “A Journey through Public & Patient Engagement in Health Research: A Road Map" here. This Road Map encourages you to explore the many ways in which patient partners and members of the public can be engaged on a research team.

Tailored workshops for your team on patient-oriented research and patient-oriented knowledge translation are available on request.

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