Our team is excited to announce the addition of two new members: Rich Sobel and Beverley Pomeroy.

Rich is very experienced in patient engagement and patient-oriented research, having served as a patient partner on Fraser Centre’s Core Oversight Committee, and as a member of BC SUPPORT Unit’s Patient Advisory Council. Rich has enjoyed a fulfilling career in grants facilitation, research ethics, and project management, having worked at a number of health research institutions in British Columbia, such as BC Cancer Agency, Genome Science Centre, and the Child and Family Research Institute. To aid in his enjoyment of semi-retirement, Rich will be supporting Fraser Centre for 3 days a week.

Beverley comes to us as a highly experienced patient/family advocate, having been involved in a number of provincial and national initiatives. Beverley has facilitated Canadian Institutes of Health Research National Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research curriculum, served as a Canadian Institutes of Health Research peer reviewer, and as a member of the BC Support Unit’s Provincial Patient Council. Beverley is also the co-creator of SPORcast, a weekly podcast that aims to inspire patients to get involved with patient engagement in health research. Beverley brings to our team a highly valued set of skills in project management, curriculum development, health care education, and patient engagement.

On their new roles, Rich and Beverley had this to say: 

“Patient oriented research is filling a gap identified and long awaited by the actual patients that research is trying to help. As a former researcher and cancer survivor with lived experience, I am excited to be advocating for and helping researchers to navigate the challenges and benefits to including patients as full partners on their research teams to help close this gap.” – Rich 

“I am thrilled to join the Fraser Centre and support my fellow patient partners and colleagues in advancing Patient Oriented Research.  As a patient and resident of the Fraser region; myself and my family have been recipients of a variety of healthcare services.  To have the opportunity to combine that lived experience with a professional role in Patient Engagement is a dream.” – Beverley

Fraser Centre is ecstatic to have Rich and Beverley's valuable perspectives contribute to our centre’s operating and strategic activities in these roles. We are eager for Rich and Beverley’s experiences as patient partners and advocates to contribute to a more positive and inclusive environment for patient-oriented research.


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