Discover how indoor air quality can be affected by outdoor air quality, building characteristics and activities happening indoors. Learn how to improve the air you breathe in your space.
Most people spend the majority of their time indoors. The quality of the indoor air we breathe can affect our health. Read the sections below to learn about some of the most common indoor air pollutants and review the actions you can take to improve indoor air quality in your home. For questions about indoor air quality at your workplace, please refer to WorkSafeBC.
Radon is a possible silent threat in our homes
Radon, an invisible and odorless gas, is a potential health hazard in our homes and other buildings. It is formed from the decay of uranium that is naturally present in some rocks and soils. When released outdoors, radon poses little risk to health because it is diluted in outdoor air. Radon becomes a health risk when concentrations build up indoors. Radon can enter homes and buildings through cracks and openings in walls and foundations that are in contact with radon-containing soil. Many factors can influence indoor radon concentrations, including the condition of the foundation, construction type, air exchange in the building, as well as the amount of uranium in soil. In general, the lowest levels of the home tend to have the highest concentrations.
Protect yourself and your family
To safeguard your loved ones, consider these tips:
- Test your home for radon:
- Any home can have radon, so it is crucial to test.
- Some areas of our region are at higher risk of having homes with elevated radon. Take a look at the BC Radon Map which compiles radon testing results in BC.
- Radon testing is simple using a do-it-yourself radon test kit. kit. Kits come with a radon detector that is placed in the lowest level of the home that is used. The detector should be left in place for a minimum of 3 months and up to one year. After the testing period, the detector is mailed to a lab for analysis. Results are sent back to you.
- Radon test kits are available from the BC Lung Foundation (online or by calling 1-800-665-LUNG (5864)), Health Canada (Take Action On Radon), and from most home hardware stores.
- Long term testing (over a minimum of 3 months) is recommended for the most accurate assessment. This test period should include some winter months.
- Some libraries offer short-term radon detectors free of charge, providing a preliminary glimpse of radon concentrations. If elevated levels are found, conduct a long-term test for confirmation.
- In the Fraser Health region, you can find short-term detector lending programs at Coquitlam and Fraser Valley Regional libraries and other libraries may also have similar programs.
- Mitigate high radon levels:
- Radon levels are reported in units of Becquerels per cubic metre (Bq/m3). The Canadian guideline for radon is 200 Bq/m3. Health Canada recommends that homes with levels of 200 to 600 Bq/m3 be mitigated within 2 years, and hones with levels above 600 Bq/m3 be mitigated within 1 year.
- Mitigation typically involves installing a system to vent radon from beneath the home to the outdoors.
- Post-mitigation testing should be done to ensure radon levels have been lowered.
- Mitigation should be done by a professional. You can find a qualified radon professional at Take Action On Radon.
- The Canadian Lung Association offers a grant to help with radon mitigation.
- If you smoke, consider quitting:
- Lung cancer risks are significantly higher for people who smoke cigarettes and are exposed to radon.
- Connect with your primary care provider to discuss smoking cessation options. You can also access a free provincial program to help you quit or reduce smoking at
- Find more support options at
Find out more
To learn more about radon and its risks, visit the following resources:
- Radon Map: This map from the BC Centre for Disease Control shows the risk of elevated radon in homes and buildings throughout the province. While no areas are entirely free of radon, some regions are at higher risk of elevated radon levels. You'll also find comprehensive information on testing and mitigation.
- Take Action on Radon: A national initiative, funded by Health Canada, to bring together radon stakeholders and raise awareness on radon across Canada.
- Radon – Reduction Guide for Canadians: This resource from Health Canada provides information on how radon in homes can be lowered.
- Resources for renters: see this information from the BC Lung Foundation.
- Test your home for radon:
Carbon monoxide
Carbon monoxide: A silent household threat
Carbon monoxide is an invisible, odourless and tasteless gas that can pose serious health risks indoors. It is produced whenever fuels such as natural gas, gasoline, oil and wood are burned. Within homes, carbon monoxide can be released from malfunctioning or poorly vented fuel-burning appliances, such as furnaces and fireplaces. Running or idling vehicles in enclosed spaces like garages, as well as using outdoor appliances like barbecues and camp stoves indoors can also increase carbon monoxide to dangerous levels.
Understanding the risks
Inhaling carbon monoxide (CO) reduces the blood’s ability to carry oxygen, leading to CO poisoning, a potentially life-threatening condition. Risks exist in all seasons but are highest in the cold months. This is because windows and doors tend to be closed and outdoor air vents are more likely to be blocked by debris, ice, or snow, making it easier for carbon monoxide concentrations to build up indoors. Additionally, people are more likely to improperly use outdoor appliances indoors for heat and cooking during power outages. Summertime activities, such as boating and use of camps stoves in enclosed spaces can also expose people to elevated CO concentrations.
Know the signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning:
- Dull headache
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Nausea or vomiting
- Shortness of breath
- Confusion
- Blurred vision
- Loss of consciousness
If you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning, leave your home immediately and seek medical attention without delay.
Protect yourself and your family
Take action to prevent carbon monoxide (CO) exposure in your home:
- Install CO detectors on each level of your home. In the same way that smoke detectors warn us of immediate fire-related threats, CO detectors warn us of immediate threats due to elevated CO levels. You can buy CO detectors at most hardware stores.
- Have your furnace and fireplace cleaned and inspected before each heating season.
- Only use fuel-burning space heaters in well-ventilated areas. Electrical space heaters pose no danger of CO poisoning, unlike those that burn fuels, such as kerosene.
- Do not start or leave vehicles running in a garage, even with the garage door open.
- When using a gas-powered generator for electricity, be sure to keep it a safe distance away from the home.
- Ensure heating vents are clear of snow, ice and debris.
- If your home loses power, do not use fuel-burning appliances meant for outdoors to warm your home or to cook. Instead, check with your local government to see if warming centres are available in your area.
- Use gas powered equipment such as leaf blowers and pressure washers in only well-ventilated spaces.
- Do not use portable heaters or lanterns in enclosed areas, such as tents, camper vans or other vehicles. This is even more important at high altitudes, where the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning is increased.
Learn more:
- Overview of carbon monoxide poisoning and ways to prevent carbon monoxide exposure.
This HealthLink BC webpage provides information on CO poisoning. - What is carbon monoxide, and why is it dangerous?
This Technical Safety BC webpage provides useful information on CO, including signs and symptoms of CO poisoning among people and pets. - Information on carbon monoxide, including safety tips.
This Office of the Fire Commissioner brochure provides CO safety tips.
Moulds are fungi naturally found both indoors and outdoors. Warm and moist conditions promote mould growth. Mould is often not dangerous; however, it can cause allergic reactions and illness in people with pre-existing conditions or weak immune systems. Some studies have found increases in common symptoms such as coughing, wheezing and headaches in people who live in homes with dampness and visible mould.
See HealthLink BC’s page on preventing mould.
Related resources
- Mould
Health Canada
- Mould
Asbestos is a mineral used for its insulating properties. It is in certain vinyl floor tiles, soundproofing ceiling tiles, roof shingles, insulation, drywall and other materials. If inhaled, asbestos can cause cancer and other illnesses. You can be exposed to asbestos when a building is being renovated or demolished. You can also be exposed during car maintenance. Asbestos can cause cancer and other diseases. Always hire a professional to test for it if you are renovating or repairing a building.
Related resources
- Asbestos
Health Canada
- Asbestos
Improving indoor air quality
Actions you can take to improve your air quality at home
- Get your home tested for radon (radon is low in most areas of the Fraser Health region, but some areas have higher levels).
- Get a carbon monoxide alarm.
- Use a hood fan when cooking and a fan when showering.
- Do not leave cars idling in your garage.
- Improve ventilation. You can do so by leaving indoor doors open, opening windows and keeping vents clear.
- Repair water leaks right away.
- Take steps to remove dust, keep smoke out and reduce the use of toxic cleaning products.
- See this HealthLink BC webpage for more information on controlling indoor allergens.
- See this Health Canada webpage for more information on improving indoor air quality.
Cooking and heating
Poor indoor air quality from combustion
When we burn any fuel, such as wood, natural gas, propane, kerosene, charcoal or tobacco, it can make pollutants and particles that are harmful to our health.
We do not always think of the pollutants that are created when we cook or heat our homes, but wood stoves and gas appliances can create indoor air pollution. Natural gas and propane can also release carbon monoxide and other harmful chemicals into the air which can harm people and pets.
The best ways to improve air quality are to control sources and have proper ventilation.
To control sources:
- Follow the manufacturers’ instructions for all combustion appliances.
- Regularly service and clean appliances and vents such as chimneys.
- Use only fuels recommended for each appliance.
- Make sure that wood stoves are installed and maintained correctly. Doors should be tight fitting to prevent leakage.
- Use only aged or dried wood, not pressure treated or painted wood that may form more toxic compounds when burned.
- Inspect furnace and flues, and repair cracks and damaged parts. Open the flue when using your fireplace. Do not let a fire within a wood heater smolder, especially just before opening the firebox.
- Change your furnace and air conditioning filters every couple of months if using them often. Consider using a more effective furnace filter.
- Never allow smoking in or near the home.
- When you are cooking, cook on the back burners where possible.
Improve ventilation
- Use a stove hood and fan that vents outside when cooking with gas stoves and ranges.
- When you need to replace a space heater, buy a vented heater.
- Make sure enough fresh air gets into your home from the outdoors, especially when using combustion appliances.
- Make sure fresh air intake vents are not blocked or covered.
- Do not have air intake vents coming into your home from your garage. Never idle a vehicle in an attached garage.
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