Long-term care homes provide care and support based on a person’s care needs in a supportive, home-like and secure environment.
Long-term care is available to adults who can no longer care for themselves, or be cared for in their current home or situation.
It is for people whose care needs are complex, who are struggling to manage their health and do everyday activities, and who need access to 24-hour supervision.
There are over 80 publicly-funded care homes within Fraser Health. Learn more about when is the right time to move to long-term care, what it provides, how to choose and apply to a home and how to prepare for a move.
When is long-term care right for me?
What will be provided to me in long-term care?
How do I choose a long-term care home?
How can I prepare for long-term care?
We are here to work with you and support you at every step of the way, from answering your questions to helping you settle in at your new home.
Options for care
If you’re in the hospital
Is going home an option for me?
Our goal is to support people in the hospital to return to their homes whenever possible. We have and know of services in the community to help you get home and stay at home, safely.
While you might not be able to care for yourself as you did before going to the hospital, your hospital care team and community health nurse will explore options with you and make sure you have the right supports and services in place so you can safely return home.
Even if your care team and community health nurse feel long-term care is the best option for you, you might still go home to wait for a bed in your preferred care home. We would still make sure you have the right supports and services in place to stay safely at home.
If your level of care at home needs to change, let your community health nurse know so they can review your health and care needs.
What if returning home is not an option?
If we feel that returning home to wait for a bed in long-term care is not the best option for you, we will talk with you about next steps. We might move you to another unit within the hospital, to another hospital or to another facility for care while you wait for your preferred care home.
What if I have questions?
If you are a Home Health client, speak with your community health nurse or call the Home Health Service Line at 1-855-412-2121.
If you’re at home
Is staying home an option for me?
We want to make sure you have the choice to stay home if you wish to. Even if your care team and community health nurse feel long-term care is the best option for you, you might still want to stay at home.
If you choose not to move to a care home, your care team works with you to make a plan to stay at home with support.
What if staying home is not an option?
If we feel that staying home with supports is not the best option for you, your community health nurse will talk with you about next steps.
Who can live in long-term care?
A person might qualify for long-term care in these situations:
- The person has care needs that are too complex or too unpredictable to safely live in their current home or living situation.
- The person is currently getting home and community care, and their care needs are such that the number of allotted hours is not enough.
If your community health nurse believes you would benefit from being in long-term care, the nurse will speak with you and start the process for this to happen.
Services and care provided in long-term care
What can I expect living in a care home?
You can expect a home-like environment where you get support with personal care, nutritious meals, social activities, outings and events, staff on site 24 hours a day, and specialized care and services to those who need it, such as end-of-life care.
All rooms come with a bed and mattress, side table with drawers, a chair, and a place to keep clothing and other personal belongings. People will have either a private or shared room, depending on the care home.
You live in a community with others living there as your neighbours. Each area is called a neighbourhood. Some have a dining and lounge area in each neighbourhood.
Some care homes also have special neighbourhoods or services for specific care needs, such as for people with dementia or for people who need special equipment or medical support. With these special neighbourhoods and services, staff have added support and training.
Sometimes, people with similar care needs are grouped together in a specific neighbourhood. This is to allow staff to provide more focused support and to enhance each person’s experience.
What services are included?
These services are included when living in long-term care:
- personal care and help with everyday activities as needed, such as with bathing, dressing and eating
- meals, including options for special diets, meal replacements and nutritional supplements
- planned social, physical, and recreational activities and outings
- common area(s) with cable, telephone and internet services
- general personal care supplies, such as soap, shampoo and tissues
- bed linens and towels
- basic laundry services for linens and personal clothes
- routine medical supplies
- basic incontinence products if needed
- basic wheelchair if needed
Who provides care in long-term care?
Each care home has a care team. Your care team includes care aides, support workers, nurses and doctors. It might also include recreational therapists, dietitians and other health professionals, depending on your care needs. Your care team works with you to make a plan of care to meet your needs.
Expect most of your daily care to be done by health care aides and other support workers assigned in your neighbourhood. Nurses oversee and monitor the care of all those living in the care home.
Many people wonder how they will get medical care when they move into a care home. All of our care homes have a group of medical professionals (medical doctors and nurse practitioners) who:
- specialize in caring for seniors
- regularly visit the care home
- provide medical care to everyone living in the care home
Some care homes have added care from these professionals at no added cost:
- physiotherapist
- occupational therapist
- social worker
- spiritual health practitioner
Financial information
How much can I expect to pay?
Long-term care charges a monthly fee. Residents pay 80 per cent of their after-tax income (up to a maximum rate). To determine this, we will ask to see your recent tax return or bank statements. To allow us to do this, we will ask you to sign a form agreeing to it. If you are concerned that you might not be able to afford the monthly rate, you might be able to get a reduced rate. We can talk with you about funding options.
Are there any other day-to-day costs?
Just like in your current home, there are other day-to-day costs. The care home lets you know what they offer and how much it costs. You decide what services you want.
Examples of care and other living costs:
Health care services
Other services
- foot care
- mobile dentist
- mobile hearing aid clinic
- mobile optometrist
- mobile walker and wheelchair tune-up
- personal telephone, cable and internet
- hair dresser / barber
- preferred meal replacement products and nutritional supplements
- hearing aids, batteries, glasses, dentures
- equipment such as a cane, walker, special wheelchair, special wheelchair cushion
- extra recreational activities or supplies
- companion services
- transport for personal activities
- decor for your personal space
- dry cleaning and laundry for items needing special cleaning
- preferred personal care and grooming supplies, bed linens, towels, preferred incontinence products (instead of general supplies provided)
Moving to a long-term care home
What is the difference between a preferred and an interim care home?
Whenever possible, we will try to offer you the opportunity to live in an area you want at a care home that meets your care needs. However, there are times when we ask people to consider an interim care home. This is a care home in your preferred community that can meet your care needs, but is not on your preferred list.
When interim care homes are used:
- Your care needs have changed and it is no longer safe for you to live in your current situation.
- You are waiting in the hospital or another facility and none of your preferred care homes have beds available.
Instead of selecting specific care homes, we would ask you to choose one or more geographic areas you would like to live in. We might offer you an interim home in one of those geographic areas until a bed comes available in one of your preferred care homes. We make sure that the interim care home is one that can meet your care needs.
Once in an interim care home:
- You can choose to stay on the list for one of your preferred care homes. You can change your preferred care home list at any time up until you receive a bed offer at one of your preferred care homes.
- When a bed comes available in one of your preferred care homes, we let you know.
- If you like where you are, you can choose to make the interim care home your permanent home.
You are welcome to explore paying privately for home care or long-term care in either of these situations:
- You do not wish to move into an interim care home.
- You choose preferred care homes where there are no beds available.
What happens once I am offered a care home?
As soon as a bed is available, we notify you and your family.
It is our goal to help you get to your new home as quickly as possible so that you can benefit from all the services in long-term care.
If you have questions about current wait times please reach out to your community health nurse or care home consultant for an update on the expected wait time of a care home.