Our School Health program provides immunizations as well as health information and promotion to school-aged children, parents and teachers.
Our public health nurses also provide referrals for services and assessments such as speech, hearing, nutrition and mental health. Through the Healthy Schools Program, public health nurses also partner with school districts and schools to promote physical, emotional and social well-being using a comprehensive school health approach. You can contact your public health team at your local public health unit.
Working together to keep students, teachers, and our communities safe.
Learn about routine and recommended immunizations for children and youth.
Child care, health screenings and immunization information to get your child ready for kindergarten.
Mental wellness information for school-aged children.
Work with school staff to make sure your child receives the right care.
Managing lice and illness in the classroom.
ADHD, autism spectrum and speech and language disorders that may impact children at school.
Sexual identity, puberty and sexual education for your school-aged child.
Services for school-aged children regarding hearing, vision and nursing.
A guide to the top healthy schools resources.
Everything you need to know to prepare for back-to-school anxiety, lunches and sleep habits.
Learn more about the healthy schools program and comprehensive school health.
An annual messaging toolkit to help schools provide parents/caregivers and students with information on key health topics.
Information on programs, services and resources for children and youth, including healthy sleep, nutrition and physical activity.