Services for individuals who live with co-existing intellectual disabilities and a mental illness.

Developmental disabilities mental health services (DDMHS) provides specialized mental health community services for ages 12 and over who live with co-existing intellectual disabilities and a mental illness. The person may also struggle with behavioural challenges.

Based on an individual’s assessment, our specialized team of mental health care professionals will offer you the services and supports that best suit the individual’s needs. We work with the person and their support network for up to 18 months. We do this so they can get the most from our services and have a long-lasting recovery.

We serve people who:

  • Are 12 years or older
  • Have a diagnosed intellectual disability (IQ of 70 and below)
  • Are experiencing mental health concerns and/or complex, challenging behaviours
  • Live in the Fraser Health or Vancouver Coastal Health regions 

Once accepted into our program, we assess and treat mental health conditions and complex, challenging behaviours. We create a plan of care for each person. This could include therapy, medicine, education and referrals to other care services.

How do I access these services?

To get our services, it depends on the age of the person needing help.

All referrals to DDMHS require a recent physical examination and approval by the individual’s family doctor or nurse practitioner.

Expect us to ask for the following:

  • A completed referral form
  • A copy of a recent physical exam
  • Approval from the family doctor or nurse practitioner
  • A copy of a completed psychological report

For people 19 or older, any of these people can request services:

  • Persons with intellectual disabilities
  • Families, caregivers or other support persons
  • Community Living BC staff
  • Family doctors or nurse practitioners
  • Health professionals in hospitals and mental health centers

For youth 12 to 18 years of age, the request must come through the Child and Youth with Support Needs Program (CYSN) in the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD). The youth team is funded by MCFD.

A psychological evaluation (for example, the person’s level of understanding and processing information) is required before the person comes to our program. These tests are not done by our program.

Psychological testing/evaluation can be done through these agencies

Psychiatric assessment and treatment

A psychiatrist meets with the client and caregivers to assess their mental health, and provide diagnostic clarification and treatment recommendations. Treatment may include medications and/or other therapies, as well as resource recommendations and advocacy. See below for services that are considered during the treatment planning stage.

Initial assessments with our psychiatrists are typically done in-person at our clinic or a satellite clinic. They are usually two hours long, and we encourage clients and their networks to bring an updated medication list, data collection sheets and other relevant information. Follow up appointments follow a hybrid manner - online via Zoom or in-person – this is up to the discretion of the treatment team and the client/network preference.

Education and group services

Our education and training services support individuals with a mild intellectual disability and mental illness, as well as family members, caregivers, community partners and other professionals.

Group services eligibility:

  • Have a mild intellectual disability (IQ of 50 - 70)
  • Be age 19 years or older
  • Be treated/under doctor’s supervision if they have any psychiatric diagnosis
  • Be able to participate in a group discussions
  • Be able to attend all sessions unless ill

Our education groups include:

  • Dealing with feelings of anxiety or depression group

  • Healthy relationships group

  • Sexual health group

Referral forms


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