Access clinics and programs available to treat your heart condition.
The atrial fibrillation clinic, located at Royal Columbian Hospital, provides a clinic offering cardiology and electrophysiology consultations, access ablation and comprehensive patient education.
Cardiac rehabilitation and prevention is designed to help lower your risk and delay progression of heart disease through physical activity, exercise and other lifestyle modifications.
Our chest pain clinic provides patients who are having atypical chest pain with urgent follow-up care with a cardiologist, upon referral to the clinic by a physician.
Our diagnostic cardiology procedures help the clinician determine the current status of your heart. Many of these diagnostic tests are non-invasive and can be done fairly quickly.
Our heart function clinics provide services to people living with heart failure in our health region.
Helps clients with cardiac issues manage their well-being through weight management, smoking cessation, stress reduction and exercise therapy.
Our lipid clinic offers multi-disciplinary care to help patients referred by their doctors manage their cholesterol, triglycerides and other cardiac disease risk factors.
Our pre-admission clinic prepares you for your surgery or procedure before you are admitted to hospital.