Help protect your community by reporting you and your child's immunizations to your public health unit.
B.C. has new mandatory vaccination status reporting
Starting July 1, 2019, parents and guardians need to report the vaccination status of their school-age children. Learn more about mandatory vaccination status reporting on our website.
Why should I report immunizations?
It’s important for public health to have an up-to-date record of everyone's immunizations so we can:
- Respond effectively to disease outbreaks in childcare facilities and schools
- Recommend immunizations that might be missing
- Provide the best care for everyone through our public health programs
What happens if someone does not get all the routine vaccines or does not have a record?
If someone at school has a vaccine preventable disease, children who are unprotected or who don’t have a record may be asked to stay home until it is safe to return, possibly missing school activities and days or even weeks of school.
Immunizations are not just for children. Some childhood immunizations, such as tetanus and diphtheria, do not give immunity for life – so even if you were immunized as a child, you may require ‘booster shots’ as an adult. For example, all adults in B.C. can get a booster of tetanus and diphtheria vaccine every 10 years.
Adults who did not complete their vaccines as a child are at risk for infection and can also infect others. For example, adults who are infected with measles or pertussis (whooping cough) can infect infants who may not be fully immunized.
Why don't you have the immunization information for me or my child?
If your child were immunized by a Fraser Health doctor, pharmacist or public health nurse in our region, then our public health units should have an immunization record for your child.
Traditionally doctors and pharmacists did not automatically send adult immunization records to public health. If your child was immunized by a health care provider outside of the Fraser Health region (Richmond, Vancouver or out-of-province), or you have just moved to the area, we may not have a record because they are not automatically provided to public health.
When should I report an immunization record?
- If you are an adult with any immunization records.
- If your child is immunized outside of the Fraser Health region (e.g. Vancouver, Richmond, or out of province).
- If your child is immunized by a pharmacist.
- Before your child starts kindergarten, if you have not submitted their record.
You do not need to report immunizations that are provided to you or your child at a Fraser Health public health unit or at school by a public health nurse because those immunizations are recorded into Fraser Health’s system.
How do I report my immunization record?
There are three ways to report your immunization record.
In person: Drop off a photocopy of your immunization record to your public health unit.
Fax or mail: Send a copy of your immunization record by fax or mail to your public health unit.
Online: Submit a photo of your immunizations record to public health on our website at www.fraserhealth.ca/immunizationform.
If you are unsure if your immunizations are up to date, please review with your family doctor or call your local public health unit.
For school-aged children (Kindergarten to Grade 12) you can also check the status of their immunization records using the Vaccine Status Indicator on ImmunizeBC.
Can I get a printed copy of my record after reporting?
Yes, call your local public health unit and they will provide you with a copy. Getting your immunization records takes a few steps but it is a worthwhile process.
Please note: If a minor provided consent for immunization, only that minor can request a copy of their immunization record.
Getting your immunization records takes a few steps but it is a worthwhile process.
Always keep a current immunization records in a safe place.
You may be asked for you or your child's immunization record. For example, you may need the record if you register your child for daycare, school summer camp, college or university and for some travel.