Resources and auditor certification on hand hygiene (hand washing).
- Online module: Hand hygiene for Fraser Health
This Provincial hand hygiene module review the key steps in ensuring effective hand hygiene for all health care workers.
Auditor certification
This presentation will outline your requirements for hand hygiene according to your four moments of hand hygiene.472.12 KBUpdated 08/06/2018
The focus of this document is to provide guidelines for hand hygiene within Fraser Health and protect our patients, residents, clients, staff and visitors from transmitting or acquiring infections through appropriate hand hygiene practices.266.98 KBUpdated 08/06/2018
- FormAudit log-in
For long term care sites only - no general public access
FormAudit User Tools
Information on common user errors for users of the hand hygiene system tool - FormAudit.756.83 KBUpdated 08/06/2018
User manual for users of the FormAudit hand hygiene system.1.13 MBUpdated 08/06/2018
Infection control posters and pamphlets
Preventing infections in long term care
PDF | Updated 15/05/2020
pdf26.04 KBUpdated 08/06/2018
Clean your hands using alcohol based hand rub
PDF | Updated 15/05/2020
Clean your hands using soap and water
PDF | Updated 15/05/2020
pdf981.87 KBUpdated 08/06/2018
The red paint activity game is a great way for healthcare workers to assess their hand washing technique.32.9 KBUpdated 08/06/2018
A game to remind people that good hand hygiene is needed to prevent the spread of disease.28.68 KBUpdated 08/06/2018