Health or nutrition concern? Connect with Fraser Health Virtual Care to speak with a registered nurse, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven-days-a-week or registered dietitian 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday.
Call 1-800-314-0999 or access the web chat by clicking on the icon located at the bottom right of your screen*.
Anytime during your call, we can arrange for a medical interpreter if you do not speak or understand English well enough to talk about your health.
During a call the nurse or registered dietitian can:
During a web chat the nurse can:
*Please note: web chat may not be available if we are experiencing high volumes. Call 1-800-314-0999 if the chat window is not available. Outside of our hours, please call 8-1-1.
Calling you after your hospital stay
We call some patients a few days after they leave the hospital to provide follow-up support and make sure your recovery is going well. These calls are made either by a registered nurse from our Virtual Care team or by a computer-generated Artificial Intelligence (AI) Care Assistant. If you would like to decline a call from an AI Care Assistant, information on how to do this is provided below.
During these calls, we check your symptoms and any medications you are taking. We talk to you about what to do if you have any complications. We also confirm any follow-up appointments.
Questions and answers
Who will call me?
It depends on your health care needs. If your health care needs are more complex, one of our nurses will call you. If your health care needs are less complex, our AI Care Assistant calls you. If your health care needs do not need follow-up, you are not called.
What if I do not want a call from the AI Care Assistant?
If you prefer not to be called by the AI Care Assistant, call 1-888-442-5227 and tell us you want to opt out of the AI Care Assistant call.
If your health care needs are more complex, you still receive a phone call from a nurse or other health care professional.
How will I know if I am talking to the AI Care Assistant?
At the start of the call, you will be told that you are speaking with our AI Care Assistant.
How does it work?
The AI Care Assistant has been taught by artificial intelligence to ask you certain questions. They will sound much like a real person. It may ask you if you have filled your prescription and if you are taking the prescribed dose. It may ask how you are feeling and if you are sleeping and eating well. You can answer the questions as if you are speaking to a real person.
You can also ask the AI Care Assistant questions about your health. The AI Care Assistant has been taught how to answer many questions.
If you do not want to continue with the call, you can hang up any time.
How is Fraser Health ensuring my safety during these calls?
We monitor the AI Care Assistant calls. If needed, we will transfer your call to one of our nurses.
What happens with the information I shared on the call?
We collect, use, share, and store your personal information in accordance with law. We are required by law to keep your personal information safe. For this AI system, we have completed detailed privacy and security risk assessments to ensure your privacy is protected.
Right before your call, the AI Care Assistant reviews your medical record. During this time and for the duration of the call, only necessary personal information will temporarily flow through the AI system’s servers in the United States.
The AI Care Assistant creates a summary of your call. This summary is kept with your medical records. Other than the temporary flow of your personal information through the United States explained above, your personal information is kept in Canada on Canadian servers. At all times, only authorized persons can access your data.
For more information about our privacy practices and the protection of your personal information, please refer to our Privacy Notice or contact the Information Privacy Office by calling 1-236-484-1479 or emailing privacy@fraserhealth.ca. You can submit a request to see your medical records at fraserhealth.ca/RequestHealthRecord.
How is patient consent obtained?
At the time of discharge, the patient will be informed that they may receive a phone call from our AI Care Assistant. If the patient would like to opt out of the phone call, they can request this by calling 1-888-442-5227.
If the patient does not opt out within 24 hours of discharge, they will have another opportunity to opt out when they receive the phone call from the AI Care Assistant.
At the start of the call, the AI Care Assistant will identify itself and will state “if you prefer not to be contacted by me, I can note that now.” If the person opts out at that point, Fraser Health will be notified of this decision and the patient will be removed from the AI Care Assistant’s call list.
If their health care needs are more complex, they still receive a phone call from a nurse or other health care professional.
What data is seen by the AI system?
Certain patient data must be shared in order for the phone call to be helpful and meaningful to the patient. Only information that is required for the AI Care Assistant to provide a meaningful discharge follow-up call is provided to the AI system.
The information includes:
- The patient ID number (this is the unique identifier assigned to them at the hospital NOT their personal health number)
- Their name and date of birth (this is used to verify they are speaking to the right person)
- The hospital they were discharged from
- The discharge instructions provided by their care team
- Medication information, at a high level, as it relates to the discharge instructions
- Other information may be about their diagnosis (such as what they were in hospital for) or information about the type of surgery or procedure they had in hospital.
Fraser Health’s Privacy team is informed on what types of data is being sent to the AI. Anything beyond what is relevant in order to provide a meaningful discharge follow-up would automatically be flagged and removed before it is sent.
All of the data is stored in Canada on Canadian servers. The data temporarily flows out of Canada into the US in preparation for the phone call as well as when the phone call is being made. Once the conversation is complete, Fraser Health receives the transcripts which are stored on our servers.
When training the AI model, how was patient data protected?
Fraser Health follows a very strict protocol to ensure any information that could be used to identify a person is removed before using their data to train the AI model. All data used to train the AI is generalized and anonymized by our team beforehand. This means any information or terms that could be used to identify a person was stripped from the data.
Where can I learn more?
To learn more, you can call and speak with one of our Virtual Care nurses at 1-800-314-0999 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., 7 days a week.