Naloxone is available in B.C. without a prescription. There are four main options for accessing naloxone in the Fraser Health region.
Naloxone, sometimes known by the brand name Narcan, is a safe and highly effective medication that reverses the effects of opioid overdose.
Where can I get naloxone?
Naloxone is available in B.C. without a prescription. There are four main options for accessing naloxone in the Fraser Health region:
1. Take Home Naloxone (THN) Program
Take Home Naloxone (THN) kits and training are available at no cost for community members who:
- Use substances, or have a history of substance use
- Are likely to witness and respond to an overdose, including family and friends of people who use substances
Find a list of Take Home Naloxone distribution sites across B.C.
Private businesses are not eligible to receive naloxone through the THN program. They may purchase naloxone from a community pharmacy.
2. Facility Overdose Response Box (FORB) Program
Non-government organizations working with clients at risk of overdose may apply to participate in the Facility Overdose Response Box (FORB) program.
Approved sites receive Overdose Response Boxes at no cost for use by staff in the event of a suspected opioid overdose. Overdose Response Boxes include naloxone and other overdose response supplies.
Find more information at Toward the Heart.
3. Community pharmacies
Anyone may purchase naloxone from community pharmacies across the Fraser Health region. Additionally, some pharmacies provide THN kits and training at no cost through the provincial THN program.
4. Public sector employees
Government employees wishing to access naloxone should contact their employer.
Public sector agencies are not eligible to receive naloxone through the THN or FORB programs. They may purchase naloxone in accordance with agency protocols.
Where can I receive naloxone training?
Eligible community members can access THN kits and training through approved through the Toward the Heart site finder.
Community members looking for a quick introduction or refresher on naloxone administration can find a brief online course and other training resources at Toward the Heart.
For employers, learn more about overdose planning for your organization.
How do I become a Take Home Naloxone distribution site?
Organizations wishing to become a THN distribution site, visit Toward the Heart.
The following resources provide more information on naloxone: