Recovery-oriented services in a stable and supportive living environment for individuals with mental health challenges.
The Mental Health Bed Based Treatment and Supported Living Program assists in providing recovery-oriented services in a stable and supportive living environment for individuals with mental health challenges.
These settings enable individuals to develop and/or maintain their social and life skills to work towards the highest level of independence possible.
Supported housing services
We offer a variety of bed based supports, from licensed and assisted living programs, to providing services to clients in supported independent living arrangements in their community. These services may be provided by contracted service agencies.
Frequently asked questions
Am I eligible for mental health supported housing?
If you are currently receiving mental health services or have been referred to a community mental health and substance use team, you may be eligible for mental health supported housing. Not all persons receiving services through the community mental health and substance use team require supported housing.
How do I access mental health supported housing for myself?
Discuss your housing needs with your community mental health clinician. If you do not have a a clinician but think you are in need of mental health supported housing support, contact your community mental health and substance use centre.
How do I access housing for a family member or friend with mental health challenges?
First of all discuss with your family member or friend to see if they are interested in mental health supported housing. Participation is voluntary. If your loved one who has mental health challenges is interested, support them by contacting their community mental health and substance use centre.
Is there a waitlist for mental health supported housing?
Yes we have waitlists; however, we do not operate on a first-come, first-served basis. Instead, we prioritize individuals for housing vacancies based on their needs.
What types of mental health supported housing options are there?
Some housing options include services like meals, laundry and light housekeeping, and programs to support the individual in developing their full independent living potential. Other types of housing are for the more independent person who receives ongoing support from their community mental health and substance use team and other community services.
What is the cost associated with mental health supported housing?
The cost is determined by the type of housing provided. For, licensed bed based environments, which provide meals and nursing support, the rate is $45.00/day. Assisted Living, which offers semi-independent living environments that include hospitality services as well as support with day-to-day needs, the rate is $35.90/day. Individuals can use the financial assistance they receive through their employer disability insurance or Canada Pension Plan or Persons With Disabilities benefits to pay this amount. Individuals who live in a more independent living environment may be eligible for a rent subsidy. Rent subsidies can be accessed from B.C. Housing or through your community mental health and substance use centre.
What if someone is homeless and needs housing? What can they do?
“Housing First” assists people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to secure a place to live. The community mental health and substance use centre can support individuals in maintaining their housing arrangement and recognize the issues contributing to homelessness.
Are there other housing options outside of Fraser Health?
Yes. B.C. Housing, a government agency, helps people with a range of housing needs, from shelters to rental assistance. For more information, visit or call 604-433-1711 or 1-866-465-6873 (toll-free).