What to expect in your first days at home with your newborn.

A public health nurse will call you 1-2 days after you get home with your new baby.

The nurse will ask you about:

  • your health
  • your baby's health
  • how feeding is going
  • help at home
  • your next doctor or midwife visit
  • your questions or concerns

If you have any concerns and would like to speak to a public health nurse sooner, call your local public health unit, available 7 days a week (note separate numbers for weekends and holidays).

Getting off to a good start with breastfeeding

  • Your baby will feed at the breast at least 8 times in 24 hours.
  • You will hear your baby swallow at every feeding.
  • By day 2, your baby will have at least 1 dirty diaper and 2 wet diapers
  • By day 3, your baby will have at least 2 dirty diapers and 3 wet diapers.
  • Your breasts will be full before feeding and softer after feeding.

Keep a record of your baby's feedings and diaper changes for the first few days. Find more helpful information on breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding support

Our public health nurses offer breastfeeding support 7 days a week for mothers until their babies are six weeks of age. If you need extra support with breastfeeding, call your local public health unit (note separate numbers for weekends and holidays).

When to seek medical attention

Call your doctor, midwife or HealthLink BC 8-1-1 right away if

You have

  • Bleeding from your vagina that is bright red and heavy even though you have rested
  • Blood clots that are larger than a loonie coin
  • Chills or a fever higher than 38C
  • Dizziness
  • Pain or burning when you pee
  • Sore nipples or breasts
  • Pain, swelling, or redness near your C-section incision
  • Pain in your bottom that is not getting better
  • Redness or pain in the calf of your leg
  • Feelings of sadness or anxiety
  • Feelings that you might hurt yourself or your baby

Your baby

  • Has a fever that is higher than 37.7oC
  • Is not latching or sucking well
  • Is too sleepy to feed at least 8 times a day
  • Has yellow-coloured skin on body, arms, legs (jaundice)
  • Has breathing problems
  • Has red, swollen or thick pus in their eyes and is under two weeks old

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