You can now read the 2019 – 2024 Physician Human Resources Plan, which is posted on the medical staff website.
Physician Activity Reports (PARs) aim to provide timely feedback to individual physicians on meaningful measures chosen by their department. Information on individual activity will be presented through easy to read graphs, enabling anonymous comparison between peers within a site and in some cases, regionally too.
The first batch of PARs will be reaching physicians in the Departments of Emergency Medicine and Mental Health. Work is also under way in the Departments of Geriatrics, Hospital Medicine, Family Practice, Surgery, Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, with remaining departments coming on board once these are completed.
Resources to enhance medical staff wellness are now live on the Fraser Health medical staff website at medicalstaff.fraserhealth.ca/Wellness-Engagement.
In-person physician orientation and onboarding sessions are being scheduled monthly, with the first session on February 25 and subsequent sessions occurring on March 18 , April 28, June 2, July 7, August 11, September 16, October 6, November 3 and Dec 1, 2020. These orientations will ensure new physicians receive the necessary information and tools to start work at Fraser Health, and will help them feel valued, welcomed and effectively integrated into our health care teams.
To support professional development, all physician leaders now have access to My Journal, and will soon be able to access 360-degree assessments through a new platform. These tools will be available for all physicians across Fraser Health, enabling all of our medical staff to receive feedback on the effectiveness of their leadership and to document their goals and associated action plans.