It’s our birthday and we want to thank you for contributing to a very productive and rewarding first year.

Since we launched, we have had over 90 consultations, done 24 presentations and workshops with over 100 stakeholders, created over 60 communication products, launched a Planning Awards competition and funded 4 multidisciplinary teams.

More recently, we started a new plain language summary process for Fraser Health researchers to create reader friendly research summaries and publication abstracts accessible by all through the Fraser Health Research Study Database. And now we are hosting a Patients Interested in Research group for community members to learn, connect, and promote patient-oriented research. Please email Rableen at for more information. Finally, the year was topped off with the first annual Community Conversations, a public event bringing people together with food, conversation, and ideas on how to find and use health research.

Our Fraser Centre team is grateful to all of you for your thoughtful and kind support. Please continue to share and stay connected.

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