Patient Experience Conference BC SUPPORT Unit

The Fraser Centre connected with stakeholders and built awareness about patient-oriented research and the BC SUPPORT Unit at the Fraser Health Patient Experience Conference this year.

The Fraser Centre had three great opportunities to connect with stakeholders and build awareness about patient-oriented research and the BC SUPPORT Unit at the Fraser Health Patient Experience Conference this year. 

By invitation, we hosted a pre-conference half-day session for patients and the public. The session built on our previously successful public Community Conversations event in February of this year, developed in collaboration with patient partners. The focus of the session was on health research in the media. 

There was lively conversation and debate with the three speakers: Fraser Health librarian Brooke Ballantyne Scott, Dr. Ruth Lavergne, assistant professor at Simon Fraser University, and Deljit Bains, leader of the South Asian Health Institute in Fraser Health. Their presentations covered tips and tricks when searching for health information online, the myths and realities of access to primary care physicians in B.C., and leveraging media for health promotion to support the South Asian community. The event was appreciated by over 25 guests, one attendee stated “the info was priceless and I feel I am better informed.” Stay tuned for our next Community Conversations event coming in 2019!

In addition, throughout the three day conference we connected with participants at our Fraser Centre booth, and Rableen Nagra, Fraser Centre patient engagement specialist, showcased her work on South Asian community engagement in a poster presentation. The poster presentation was well received, so much so she won 3rd place in the poster competition. Congrats to Rableen! 

To hear about these types of Fraser Health events and news, be sure to subscribe to the new Research Currents Newsletter.


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