"Human connection is protective; it’s love that keeps us going. It’s what kept me going."
“I was born in Iran, grew up in England and immigrated to Canada as a teenager. I started as a family doctor on the North Shore 20 years ago. Shortly after, my wife died in a car accident on the Sea-to-Sky.
When you suffer, you see life differently -- there’s beauty in that. I was able to see the humanity in everyone, to better understand my patients. We all have trauma.
I left family practice to work in the criminal justice system. Today, I oversee addiction medicine at Fraser Health and correctional health services at Provincial Health Services Authority. The two jobs blend: Substance use and mental health issues occur in community and prison, just more concentrated in prison. In both settings, taking a non-judgmental approach and getting people to reconnect socially is key. Human connection is protective; it’s love that keeps us going. It’s what kept me going.
I’ve since remarried, we have three beautiful kids and three dogs. We’re a close knit family, but don’t do sports, movies or games together -- no one agrees! I write screenplays: my last was a murder mystery, I’m writing a horror movie now. I haven’t sold anything -- if you know a good agent, let me know.”
- Dr. Nader Sharifi, Division Lead, Addiction Medicine, Fraser Health Authority