A fire in the Cascade building at Burnaby Hospital last night has impacted several areas of the hospital. All patients and staff are safe and unharmed.
Due to impacted air quality in some areas of the hospital, eighteen patients have been transferred to other hospitals throughout the Fraser Health network with the support of BC Emergency Health Services and Burnaby RCMP and Fire departments.
We continue to assess the damage to the site and, for the time being, we have temporarily closed the Burnaby Hospital Emergency Department. People who require urgent care are asked to visit neighbouring hospital emergency departments and the Edmonds Urgent and Primary Care Centre in Burnaby for the time being.
While the fire did not damage the Emergency Department, the temporary closure has been put in place to focus on ensuring current patients, staff, and medical staff are safe. The essential visitors policy will be strictly enforced at this time.
If a community member arrives at Burnaby Hospital Emergency Department they will be triaged to the nearest hospital. BC Emergency Health Services will temporarily divert patients to neighbouring hospitals. Labouring mothers who present to Burnaby Hospital will be assessed and admitted as required.
We will notify our community as soon as the Emergency Department is open again.
At this time, we want to acknowledge our Burnaby Hospital staff, medical staff, and site leadership, as well as Health Emergency Management BC, the Burnaby Fire Department, Burnaby RCMP, and BC Emergency Health Services for their extraordinary work in responding to the fire at Burnaby Hospital.
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