Fraser Health is working closely with Abbotsford Christian School, a private school in Abbotsford, to manage an exposure of COVID-19 at the middle school.
Six COVID-19-positive cases have been identified at the middle school. As a precautionary measure to respond to this exposure, Abbotsford Christian School has advised Fraser Health that they will functionally close the middle school for a two-week period due to the staffing challenges presented by the exposure.
In a school environment, if a student or teacher receives a confirmed positive COVID-19 test result, Fraser Health Public Health follows a rigorous protocol:
- Contact tracing is initiated to determine how the individual was infected and who they were in close contact with in order to advise for self-monitoring or isolation.
- Public Health staff works closely with the school and school district throughout the case and contact management process to maintain close communication with the school community.
For more information about COVID-19 school exposures in the Fraser Health region, please visit fraserhealth.ca/schoolexposures.
At this time, it is critically important for people living in the Fraser Health region to use the COVID-19 assessment tool and get tested as soon as you have COVID19-like symptoms, even mild ones. Please don’t wait, and book or drop by one of our collection centres which are operated in partnership with local Divisions of Family Practice. People living in the Fraser Health region can find information about test collection centres by visiting Fraser Health’s website.
To book a COVID-19 testing appointment, complete a COVID-19 test booking form.
For more information about COVID-19, please visit fraserhealth.ca/covid19.
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