Due to rapidly increasing COVID-19 cases in Fraser Health, we are asking the public to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our communities.
“While we are still doing better than many parts of Canada and other countries, we cannot let our guard down,” said Dr. Victoria Lee, president and CEO, Fraser Health. “Many of you have made lots of sacrifices already, but now is the time that we must be vigilant by minimizing social interactions outside of our households.”
The majority of the new cases are linked to known cases and clusters. Community-related clusters and outbreaks are connected to weddings, social gatherings and worksites. Transmission from these events spread to health care facilities, workplaces and schools.
“Even small gatherings are risky right now,” said Dr. Elizabeth Brodkin. “To keep our communities safe, we are urging the public to refrain from holding parties, celebrations or any gatherings – especially with Halloween and the Diwali festival coming up. Now is not the time for large celebrations and gatherings.
Fraser Health is seeing worksite exposures in diverse settings. Mostly during breaks, lunch and social interactions. The health authority appreciates how workplaces have prepared for COVID-19 with new protocols and would like to take this opportunity to remind all businesses to review their plans and ensure they are following WorkSafeBC guidelines. Plans need to be as robust as possible and support employees to stay home if sick with even mild symptoms.
Currently, we are maintaining all our health service levels, plus surgical services has expanded to catch up. We have also expanded our virtual care services to make care easier and safer for patients in our communities.
We know our COVID-19 safety measures are working when we use them. We are not seeing significant transmission in schools or long-term care facilities, which are controlled environments with many precautions in place.
“Please stay strong and committed for your own health and for your loved ones,” said Dr. Lee. “Stay committed for our communities and local businesses. We have bent the curve before and together we can do it again.”
Public health guidelines work. Fraser Health reminds everyone to wash their hands, physically distance, and wear a mask. Stay home if you are unwell.
Fraser Health wants to thank all of its staff and medical staff for their commitment to our response. We are all truly in this together and we must remain committed together. Please partner with us and our health care teams to bend the curve again.
Visit our website at fraserhealth.ca/covid19 for information you can trust about COVID-19. You can also post and share the English language as well as translated COVID-19-related materials in Punjabi, Hindi, Farsi, Simplified Chinese and Korean.
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