Today, Sunday April 25, Fraser Health is having a drop in vaccine clinic for South Langley Township as one of the high-transmission neighbourhoods.
No appointment is required if you live in this area.
Fraser Health is encouraging those residents to be vaccinated today.
People born in 1981 or earlier (40+) who live in South Langley Township are eligible to drop in to register and receive vaccine today.
Location: Langley Event Centre (7888 200 Street in Langley)
Timing: 11:00 a.m until 8:00 p.m
Please enter your postal code here to see if you are eligible: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/vaccine/neighbourhood
While it remains critical that we continue following public health orders and guidance, receiving COVID-19 vaccine helps put the COVID-19 pandemic behind us. It brings us one-step closer to reconnecting with the people we care about, returning to the activities we enjoy while protecting our health system and helping businesses in our community return to normal operations.
For more information about COVID-19, please visit fraserhealth.ca/covid19.
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