“It’s been one of the most rewarding parts of my career."
In January 2021, Ryan MacKay was eligible to receive a COVID-19 immunization at Burnaby Hospital.
“It’s been one of the most rewarding parts of my career, to be a part of a collective effort to get the vaccine into the arms of as many people as we can at our site, and watch the energy and all of the leadership that's happened in every corner to support that work.
Vaccine is really the most powerful tool that we have in our toolbox to beat back this pandemic. Making that choice to get vaccinated, I think, really demonstrates that we care for the most vulnerable in our community. And it's a privilege, where we are in the world, to have the opportunity to get a vaccine and play an active part in protecting our neighbors and loved ones and colleagues and patients. So it's something that, certainly in these times, I think is of paramount importance.
Personally, I am looking forward to the days where we can sit in a movie theater and eat a big, greasy bag of popcorn. I really am. Or even just getting out to see my folks in the Okanagan and being able to enjoy the sun and the lake and the fruit – just kick back on my mom and dad's porch. I look forward to that again.
I have trust in the efficacy of the vaccine. Vaccines are one of the most successful medical interventions in human history. So I do have faith that this is the answer to making progress and getting past the worst of this pandemic. I feel fortunate, really.”
Why vaccinate? We all have our reasons.
Get registered so we can get back to the things we love soon.
Learn more at Get Vaccinated.