Submitted by Penny Trites, leader, Indigenous Health

For Pride Month, Penny Trites, a leader in our Indigenous Health Department, shares why Louis De Jaeger from Métis Nation BC is a mentor, champion of change and advocate for 2SLGBTQIA+ people.

June is Pride Month, which brings together Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, and other diverse people (2SLGBTQIA+), communities and allies to celebrate and honour the resilience, talent and contributions of 2SLGBTQIA+ people. Although these celebrations peak during June, events and work take place throughout the year to advance equality and representation.

Two-spirited identity and its inter-relatedness have been recognized and celebrated within Indigenous communities throughout history. With colonization, respect for two-spirit people declined and many began living in isolation or denial, left their communities or, tragically, died by suicide.

The Indigenous teachings I learned included taking care of one another and inherent rights to a sense of belonging as well as being proud of who you are and what you belong to. In Stó:lō territory, where I reside, I know many families who are blessed with two-spirit family members. These individuals are prominent role models in their communities who are helping others to feel accepted for who they are and to run towards their culture rather than away from it.

One such person is Louis De Jaeger, the Minister of Health for Métis Nation BC, who is a proud and influential two-spirit Métis leader and mentor for many, including myself. He has provided educational, cultural and leadership teachings and a path forward for many people. He embraces Pride in who he is: an advocate and champion of change to make things right for everyone – most importantly, youth who are future leaders.

(Photo) Louis De Jaeger, Métis Nation BC Minister of Health, Minister of Economic Development and Tourism, Region 2 Director, and 2SLGTBQIA+ committee chair

Louis went through a dark time when he lost more than 60 friends to the AIDS pandemic, one by one, with no laws, supports or rights to protect them. So they helped each other, like how Louis remembers lesbian friends delivering food when his gay friends were unable to get out of bed. He says that the hardest thing at the time was living through it and questioning why he was there. When I asked him why, he said, without hesitation, “I know I am to be an advocate.”

An advocate is an understatement to all that Louis has achieved. In my eyes, he is light when people only see darkness and a voice for people who feel they do not have one. Years ago, I remember him leading “equity and diversity” nights at the Métis House in Chilliwack. The first night, 42 youth attended! We talked about creating inclusive spaces that re-affirm acceptance.

One of the most recognized symbols of acceptance is the rainbow. Louis says that rainbows have special meaning within many Indigenous cultures.

“The rainbow colours are seen as a sign of the Creator’s grace reminding all to show respect, love and live in harmony. It is a symbolic marker of a progressive society that reflects gender-wellness with respect to gender and culture,” Louis says.

Louis is also a fierce advocate for two-spirit issues in the political arena, and he hopes that a 2SLGTBQIA+ seat will be added to the Métis Nation BC board of directors in September. It would follow five years of teaching and encouragement, and exemplifies his passion and leadership. He champions one-on-one conversations with people and groups and travels to events all over the country to spread messages of inclusion, equity and the importance of safe places.

Pride is a wonderful word. There is no word like it. It’s the core of your being. Don’t give up. Embrace it,” Louis says. “Run towards culture and not away from it. Culture is part of the wick in the candle. You get rid of the wax and the wick still burns.”

To listen more about the inclusion of two-spirited people and Métis traditions around two-spirited people, listen to a podcast interview with Louis.

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