Sharing your experiences within health care helps us improve the services we deliver.
Sharing feedback
If you have a compliment or a complaint, please first speak with the person who provided the service or with the manager of the area.
High five your health care provider. Send a compliment to your health care provider or Fraser Health team member.
Through your experience, have you found opportunities for improvement? Do you have ideas that could innovate our health care services? Please email patient.engagement@fraserhealth.ca.
- Real time patient survey
- Patient satisfaction survey
Concerns are best addressed and resolved at the time and place they occur.
Patient Care Quality Office
The Patient Care Quality Office (PCQO) is the central access point for formal complaints that are not addressed at the service delivery level.
Whistleblower Hotline
Use the Whistleblower Hotline to report a known or suspected case of wrongdoing by Fraser Health.
The Whistleblower Hotline does not replace other established processes or usual reporting structures such as reporting to management, workplace safety, Patient Care Quality Office, or other reporting avenues